ARCO 2020 Conference

Florence, September 21-23


September 21, Monday

Opening of the Conference and technical sessions

Firenze, Palagio di Parte Guelfa, on-line connection

  9.00 – 11.00     Registration

11:00 – 12:00     Opening

12.00 – 13.00     Key-lecture made by prof. Mauro Sassu


14.00 – 15.30     Plenary lectures:

Safety and diagnostic

M. Pianigiani: “Correlation analysis between churches and their artistic content in terms of damage. A damage map of Italian Cultural Heritage through four Regions after the 2016 earthquake”, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e per il Turismo

Design and Museums design

R. Liberotti: “The gipso|TECA of the University of Perugia: conversion of a heritage building in a plaster cast gallery”, University of Perugia

Digital heritage:

M. Russo: “CH representation between Monge’s projections and Augmented Reality” Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura a Roma Sapienza

Historical research:

                              F. Funis, “The international consultation for the new exit on via dei Castellani and the “Nuovi Uffizi” project: a missed combination”, University of Florence


15.40 – 17.40    Sala del Camino:     Poster Session


L. Zaffi, A. Capestro, S. Viti, “Code-compliant structural design for site specific works of art: a case-study”, University of Florence

E. Lucini, “MINIMAL INTERVENTIONS - Leveraging on applied research to introduce small, yet radical, acts of change in the museum experience”, AIPAA - Associazione Italiana Psicologia Ambientale e Architettonica

G. P. Cimellaro, M. Tanganelli, M. Domaneschi, S. Viti, “Developing a laboratory facility to assess friction coefficients of standing samples”, Politecnico di Torino, University of Florence

O. Galatolo, “Physical Architectural Models Heritage and AR/VR Technologies: studies and perspectives.” University of Florence

A. Pasquali, Y. Ricci, “The digitalization of the Cultural Heritage for a non-invasive study on Architecture”, DIDA, University of Florence

P. Arslan, “A museum in between: Troy; past, present, future“, Delft University of Technology

N. Valdambrini, G. Tucci, L. Fiorini, A. Conti, “M-BIM: new approaches for the management of art collections. The case of the Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze”, DICEA, University of Florence

Sala dei Gigli:           Technical session

Chairmen: F. Collotti, A. Brodini, G. Verdiani


A. Diana, C. Giometti, “Between art and documents: exhibitions in Florence between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries”, University of Florence

L. Zamparo, E. Faresin “Documentation and Digitalization of Ceramic Collections in Veneto: the MemO Project”, University of Padova

G. Cerri, “Museography and Seismic Hazard: the design project of the Majolica Room - National Museum of Bargello, Florence”, University of Florence

W. Cortes Casarrubio, “Renzo Piano and his project for the Vedova Foundation in Venice”, University of Udine

G. Aleix Barbera, “Three different digitization techniques for works of art: RTI, photogrammetry, and laser scan arm. Advantages and drawbacks in the practical case of a Romanesque lipsanoteca”, Universitat de Lleida

E. Martinelli, “Rebuilding the ruins. Mediterranean open-air museums”, University of Florence


Sala Brunelleschi:    Technical session

                                    Chairmen: S. Viti, S. Galassi, M. Tanganelli


R. Gagliardo, G. Terracciano, L. Cascini, F. Portioli, “The prediction of collapse mechanisms for masonry structures affected by ground movements using Rigid Block Limit Analysis”, University of Napoli “Federico II”

M. Monaco, A. Manzo, M. Aurilio, A. Tafuro, “Resilience of museum contents”, University of Campania

M. Betti, G. Bartoli, V. Bonora, A. Conti, L. Fiorini, V. Cerisano Kovacevic, V. Tesi, G. Tucci, “From TLS data to FE model: a workflow for studying the dynamic behavior of the Pulpit by Giovanni Pisano in Pistoia (Italy)”, University of Florence

N. Cavalagli, M. Gioffrè, S. Grassi, V. Gusella, C. Pepi, G.M. Volpi, “On the accuracy of UAV photogrammetric survey for the evaluation of historic masonry structural damages”, University of Perugia

S. Galassi, M. L. Satta, N. Ruggieri, G. Tempesta, “In-plane and out-of-plane seismic vulnerability assessment of an ancient colonnade in the archaeological site of Pompeii (Italy)”, University of Florence

M. Vicario, C. Balocco, M. De Vita, “An experimental methodological approach aimed to preventive conservation and sustainable adaptive use of the cultural heritage”, University of Florence


Social and cultural sessions

Firenze, Villa Viviani

18:30 – 22.30    Welcome cocktail, with a special intervention by Moni Ovadia and a concert of piano by Alessandra Garosi


September 22, Tuesday



  9:00 – 10:30     Technical Session on “Safety and Diagnostic, Special Session #2”

Chairman: S. Galassi


A. Boostani, G. Misseri, L. Rovero, U.Tonietti, “The consolidation strategy of the Noh Gonbad mosque vestiges in Balkh (Afghanistan)”, University of Florence

C. Mileto, F. Vegas, V. Cristini, L. García, “Initial assessment of multi-risk social vulnerability for Iberian earthen traditional architecture”, Universitat Politècnica de València

L. Papaloizou, E. Sarris, P. Polycarpou, P. Komodromos, “Earthquake vulnerability of ancient multi-drum columns with a single epistyle”, University of Nicosia, Cyprus

N. Vaiana, D. Pellecchia, L. Rosati, “Comparative Assessment on the Rocking Response of Seismically Base-Isolated Rigid Blocks”, University of Napoli

11:00 – 12:30     Technical session on “Museum Design”

                              Chairman: G. Cerri


M. Aricò, L. Tizi , D. Ferrario, M. Campanaro, “The impact of museum design on visit experience from an environmental psychology perspective”, AIPAA Associazione Italiana Psicologia Ambientale e Architettonica

A. Benfante, “Exhibition Architecture in Turin. Through the gaze of Pier Luigi Nervi”, University of Florence

U. Velo, “Shaping spaces for exhibitions”, University of Ferrara

B. Lupo, “Architecture, museography and museology in dialogue: analyzing the Museum of Tomorrow”, University of São Paulo

14:00 – 15.30     Technical Session on “Safety and Diagnostic, Special Session #1”

Chairmen: A.M. Reinhorn, S. Viti


A.M. Reinhorn, S. Viti “Monumental buildings used as museums: Protection or danger for the artifacts?”, SUNY University at Buffalo, University of Florence

M.T. Cristofaro, M. De Stefano, “The Complex of the Galleria dell'Accademia of Florence: keeping in safety”, University of Florence

M. Paradiso, S. Garuglieri, V. Ferrarini, “The Convent of Santa Teresa de Jesús in Havana: analysis, consolidation and restoration for the New Museum of Sacred Art”, University of Florence

G.P. Cimellaro, M. Tanganelli, M. Domaneschi, S. Viti, “Damage risk assessment of historical asset using laser scan and finite element approach”, Politecnico di Torino, University of Florence

16:00 – 19:00     Technical session on “Digital Heritage”

                              Chairman: G. Verdiani


G. Pescarmona, “Technology and Religious Architecture: a Virtual Reconstruction of the Tramezzo at Santa Croce in Florence”, SAGAS, University of Florence

M. Droste, A. Thoma, “The Virtual Konzerthaus – Opportunities for digital cultural mediation through immersive technology and interaction”, HTW Berlin – University of Applied Sciences

M. Loddo, “3Depot. A dynamic representation of a museum storage facility”, Delft University of Technology

P. Puma, “The archaeological survey for the conservation of memory, the first step of the Volterra in 3D Project”, DIDA, University of Florence

L. Pasqualotti, “Contemporary Architecture rising from Tradition. San Francesco in Pitigliano”, University of Florence

E. Faresin, L. Zamparo, “Documentation and Digitalization of Ceramic Collections in Veneto: the MemO Project”, Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Padua

A. Ferrighi, “Teaching Tools and Methods for Doing History. The History of Architecture in the Digital Era”, Università Iuav di Venezia

P. Formaglini, G. Giansanti, S. Giraudeau, A. Peruzzi, “From mega to tera: Data storage and its diffusion for large-scale photogrammetric surveys”, DIDA, University of Florence

B. Ramesh, A. Menon, K. Varghese, “Remote Rapid Visual Assessment (RRVA) in the Conservation of a Dilapidated Historic Temple”, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

C. E. Catalano, S. Marziali, M. Spagnuolo, “Documenting the restoration process in 3D digital catalogues”, Accademia di Belle Arti di Verona / CNR IMATI

N.  Lecci, “Documenting cultural heritage in rural areas for its understanding and for a development perspective: a map for the Orsini Park in Pitigliano”, University of Florence



September 23, Wednesday



  9:00 – 10:30     Technical session on “Historical Research”

Chairman: A. Brodini


B. Mazzanti, “Exhibiting the garden: An idea and its phenomenology in Florence from the 1930s to the 1950s”, University of Florence

E. Ferretti and L. Mingardi, “Trait d’union with history. Leonardo Savioli’s staging of the exhibitions Firenze ai tempi di Dante and La casa abitata (1965)”, University of Florence

M. Bassanelli, “Tracing a History of Etruscan Art Exhibitions”, Politecnico Milan, USI-Mendrisio

11:00 – 12:30     Technical session on “Historical Research”

Chairman: A. Brodini


N. Robbins, “Museological Value Discussion Promotes Sustainable Heritage”, University of HelsinkI

G. Olsson, “The Turkish Modernist Osman Hamdi Bey and his view on Artefacts”, University of Gothenburg

L. Ciccarelli, “Renzo Piano, Dominique de Menil and the Artifice of Intimacy”, University of Florence

14:00 – 16:00     Technical session on “Safety and Diagnostic”

Chairmen: M. Tanganelli, G.P. Cimellaro, M. Domaneschi, S. Galassi


A. Mignoli, N. Aste, C. Del Pero, F. Leonforte, H. Huerto Cardenas, “Energy and economic assessment of HVAC solutions for the armoury hall at the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua”, Politecnico di Milano

F. Sciurpi, L. Pierangioli, A. Ghelli, ““La Specola" Museum in Florence: Environmental Monitoring and Building Energy Simulation”, University of Florence

M. Paradiso, E. Conte “The San Lorenzo complex in Pistoia: a monument returned to the city”, University of Florence

M. Coppola, G. Poli, G. Tempesta, “Villa San Marco at Stabia. Dynamics of decay and perspectives for deepening and safeguarding”, University of Florence

P. Zampieri, Cyrille Denis Tetougueni, Carlo Pellegrino, “Rigid-block analysis of archeological elements retrofitted with external post-tensioning system”, University of Florence, University of Padova

16:30 – 18:00     Round Table on the Conference and closing of the Conference